Breathing Education & Re-training

Optimising you breathing could be the answer to improving health, performance, sleep, resilience and so much more...

Functional Breathing Therapy for Improved Health & Performance

Rebecca is trained in both the Oxygen Advantage  & Buteyko Method

Your body & mind follow your breathing….

Breathing is something you do 20,000+ times a day yet we are rarely taught how to do it well, or how to use it to influence how we feel, live and perform. It is influencing every system in your body and unfortunately mainstream healthcare & fitness overlook this huge puzzle piece which is ‘low hanging fruit’ - simple to apply and can brings huge changes in only a few seconds, when you know HOW!

Many of us are suffering the negative effect of dysfunctional breathing, from increased anxiety and stress, to poor sleep patterns and even reduced fitness & mental/physical performance - it is easy to get into a vicious cycle. Learning to utilise your breath can help to act as a circuit breaker that can help you get back on track.

HOW you are breathing has a profound effect on every aspect of your health. From posture & lower back pain, to sleep quality, cardiovascular health, sports performance and so much more, ensuring functional breathing is essential for building a strong and resilient mind & body.

We use scientifically proven techniques to address and improve symptoms relating to:

  • Anxiety & Stress

  • Sports Recovery

  • Asthma & Breathing difficulties

  • Lower back pain & posture

  • Snoring & poor sleep / Fatigue

  • Fatigue & poor focus/concentration

  • Post Covid Recovery

Podcast - Patrick Mckeown on the Dr. Chattergee Podcast (episode 221) - here

(Rebecca is trained by Patrick McKeown the creator, CEO and Director of Education and Training at Oxygen Advantage®, Director of Education and Training at Buteyko Clinic International and President of Buteyko Professionals International. He is a leading international expert on breathing and sleep, and author of bestselling books including The Oxygen Advantage. His focus — to empower more people every day to breathe better, feel better and achieve their potential.) /

How I can help - 1:1 Breath Training

Over a course of 1:1 sessions I can assess your currently level of functional breathing and through simple and scientifically based practices, help you to retrain your breathing patterns for optimal health and performance. Whether your are looking for a tool to better manage stress and anxiety or want to improve your sports performance and recovery - learning to utilise the breathe is essential.

A minimum of 3 sessions is required to ensure we can cover the science of breathing and for you to have time practice and to see and feel the benefits (as well as time to adjust and adapt the breath practice accordingly). Depending on your needs we add more sessions as we go but my goal is to educate you in these 3 sessions so you no longer need me.

  • Free 30 minute consultation

  • 3 Starter Session £150 (60 mins/session) over 3 weeks

Next group workshop HERE

Find out more about the Oxygen Advantage Method HERE.

Please get in touch to discuss any breathwork, symptoms or just to find out more about what we do!

Breathing Testimonials



My husband picked up a business card and thought that I may benefit from some supervised breathing exercises. I have Atrial Fibrillation and sometimes struggle to get my breath when under stress or increase in exertion. I made an appointment and Becky quickly made me feel at ease. I had a 3 session course, with homework!

I now have tools to increase my quality of life and I continue to improve. I would recommend Becky to anybody with breathing problems.


I practice yoga at Thrive and have also worked with Rebecca 1:1 on functional breathing. Her approach is compassionate, supportive and holistic. She has a deep understanding of the mind-body connection, physiology and yoga tradition.

Due to long-term illness, I was very nervous about engaging in any physical activity again before coming to Thrive but Rebecca was so generous speaking to me over email before I came to the studio and reassuring me that we can go at the pace I need to, and also demonstrating her understanding of my conditions and making suggestions about what might work, but also making space for me to say 'no', or also to say 'yes!' sometimes to something more challenging.

Rebecca trusts me to know my own body wisdom and supports me to tune into it. Practicing with Rebecca has been completely transformative for me in so many ways at a really complicated time in my life.


I worked with Rebecca on my functional breathing. I hold my hands up, my breathing efficiency and style has been poor! Until now! After 2 sessions with Rebecca I've learnt how to use the diaphragm and rib cage better, and to actually control my breathing patterns and lengths, instead of it getting out of hand by itself incorrectly!
The idea is to practice, practice, practice better breath work, to build up to naturally breathing better and more efficiently to improve better body and brain functionality and ultimately improve performance.
Rebecca is an amazingly inspirational lady whom you will feel comfortable with and learn from and improve with!


I came to Rebecca curious about how improving my breathing could help with managing my anxiety and difficulty sleeping.

The breathing techniques she taught me have drastically helped both. I learnt what it felt like to breathe properly, through my nose and saw the benefits myself when I practiced it in my everyday life. I have been amazed at how effective they are.

As for my anxiety, I found that through the breathing techniques I was able to gain control and bring myself back to calm much more easily and it has become a normal practice for me to turn to when I am struggling.


I came to Rebecca to learn more about breathing and how I could train myself to control it better whilst presenting at work, but also to improve my overall health and well-being.

From the second I walked in to the studio I felt completely at ease. Rebecca really went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable and after my first class I began to see a difference.

A gorgeous place to work on yourself,
and Rebecca is warm and knowledgable. I would recommend 100%.


I found Rebecca by chance having seen an advert for breath coaching. I had been searching for a coach locally for some time since suffering from a lengthy episode of Anxiety and Depression.

I knew I had to find tools within myself to aid my recovery but needed someone to guide me.

Rebecca has been a wonderful and supportive breath coach and yoga teacher. She was so approachable and non judgmental and gave me real hope that I could take control of my recovery. I had 3 breath coaching sessions where I learnt the basics and with home practice I have made real progress. I can't thank or recommend Rebecca highly enough.