

Rebecca Pritchard

Yoga, Qigong & Tai Chi Teacher | Certified Breathing Coach (Oxygen Advantage & Buteyko)

Rebecca started her yoga practice in 2010 and has been teaching full time since 2015. She has hosted Yoga Retreat in Sri Lanka, worked along side top Physiotherapist in Dubai, brought yoga to the office for many corporate entities, and her most rewarding experience - working closely with individuals, seeing them grow, overcome limitation and thrive.

Rebecca has a passion for helping others discover and define their own yoga and self care practices. Her intension is to guide, educate and empower people to learn about their bodies and minds, and find ways to take control of their health mentally, physically and emotionally by developing sustainable long term practices that work for them!

Teaching Style:

Over the years she has developed her own style that combines the essence and heart of traditional yoga teachings with the modern world of functional & therapeutic movement, functional breathing and relaxation. Her classes aim to create a safe and welcoming environment where students can discover what works for them by staying true and connected to their individual needs. She encourages self exploration and likes to expose students to new and fun ways to challenge what they think yoga ‘should be’.

In addition, her functional breathwork training (with BUTEYKO and The Oxygen Advantage Certification) plays an important role in educating and helping people navigate stress, improved sleep and relaxation as well as improve general health through better breathing.


Rebecca’s Qualifications/Certificates

  • Tai Chi & Qi Gong For Rehabilitation - Diploma

  • Buteyko Breathing Instructor

  • Advanced Oxygen Advantage® Breathing Instructor

  • E-RYT 200 - Yoga Teacher Hatha/Vinyasa

  • Yoga Tune Up® Method Teacher

  • Co-active Life Coach, ICF

  • Yoga Tune Up® The Roll Model Method - Self Massage Teacher

  • Animal Flow® Level 1 Instructor Course

  • Trigger Point Master Trainer

  • Yoga Therapy for Common Ailment (SVAYASA University, Bangalore)

Reiss Adams

Sports Therapist & Run Coach

Reiss began his career as a Sports Therapist in 2006, and has since trained as a run coach, founding his own company, STRIVE, in 2020. He spent seven years in Dubai where he gained a wealth of experience working with many world famous professional football and rugby teams, athletes and world class age group triathletes before moving back to the UK.

Now, combining his injury prevention expertise, and interpersonal experience working side by side with his clients and athletes, he brings a unique approach to the field of Sports Therapy & Coaching.

With his emphasis on injury prevention, he delivers a very specific and tailored sports massage for his clients specific to their needs, given them the best chance to thrive in whatever activity they enjoy.

With Reiss’s knowledge of the body and understanding of how other life factors influence potential injury, he delivers a well rounded run coaching style to his athletes. Helping them build an understanding of the importance of sleep, recovery, nutrition and reducing stress in preventing injuries, improving performance and ultimately their overall well-being.


Reiss’s Qualifications

  • BSc Sports Therapy (University of Birmingham)

  • Qualified Run Coach / Group Run Coach

  • Trigger Point Master Trainer (educating the educators)

  • MAT Assessment

  • Run Gait Analysis

  • Rehab Trainer

  • Myo fascia Release

  • TRX Suspension Training

  • Thor Laser / Ultrasound

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber


How it all began

Reiss & Rebecca met in Dubai in 2016, while working in the same clinic/studio facility. Not only did they hit it off personally, but they soon found themselves working with the same people and it was clear there was a natural harmony between what they both were offering professionally as well.⁠

They are both passionate about educating, empowering and equipping people with a varied tool box for moving through life with more ease and joy! They have hosted retreats in Sri Lanka and worked with elite athletes, sports teams, top corporate entities, 18hr a day desk jockeys and everything in between.

From overcoming injury & pain to better breathing + reducing anxiety & stress, together they offer a truly holistic and unique approach to wellbeing. ⁠


Strive & Thrive is born.

Their dream has always been to have a welcoming and safe space dedicated to offering the best support, to make health and wellbeing accessible to ALL and to see people thrive. They are delighted to see this a reality with Reiss’s clinic Strive & Rebecca’s studio space Thrive.