About Thrive.

Our goal at Thrive is to support the health of your joints, muscles and minds. To share useful and accessible tools that you can take with you off the mat and into your life…


Thrive is a space for you to build a sustainable and personal self care routine. Set up with the intension to bring the joy of movement and self inquiry to everyday people who just want to move, breathe, feel and live better in their bodies.

We might be right for you if…

  • You don’t quite fit or feel comfortable in a mainstream yoga studio or gym setting and are looking for a friendly community to join.

  • You are dealing with a nagging injury, or pain and you want a practice that will support recovery not hinder it.

  • You are new to yoga and want support and guidance as you find your way.

  • You like to exercise and train but need appropriate recovery.

  • You feel the negative effects of stress/anxiety and are looking for a space to restore and rebalance.

Our Community…

We welcome ANYONE to join our community, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, age or other, please read our community agreements:

Community Agreements

We specialise in creating accessible, purposeful and fun classes for all.

  • Beginners

  • Bigger Bodies

  • Pain / Injury after care

  • Stress & Anxiety


‘I started yoga classes with Rebecca in Dubai as a complete beginner several years ago. I was fit but not very flexible and I was apprehensive about starting yoga as I was worried about not knowing what to do, but Rebecca made me feel welcome and comfortable from the very first class and I loved every moment of it.

I started attending Rebecca's classes regularly and love her mix of movement, challenge, fun and mindfulness. Rebecca explains and cues every pose very clearly, making her lessons accessible to everyone…’

— Nadia